Friday, June 19, 2009

E asy ways to drive down your petrol costs

Here are some tips to cut down the cost of fuel

1. FIND YOUR CHEAPEST STATION: Search for petrol prices to fine the cheapest fuel in your area.

2. PUMP UP YOUR TYRES: Under-inflated tyres, create more rolling resistance and so use more fuel. Go to your local petrol station and use their pump-it is normally free.

3. LOSE WEIGHT: Every extra 50kg will increase your petrol consumption by an average of 2 per cent. So keep all your golf clubs-or anything littering your boot -at home.

4. STREAMLINE: Roof racks and bicycle carriers create extra wind resistance and so increase fuel consumption. If you do not need it, take it off.

5. TURN OFF THE AIRCONDITIONIG: It increases your petrol consumption by as much as 10% so if it is only mildly warm, put the fans on or wind down your window. That said, if you are traveling over 60mph having the window down, increases drag, which increases your fuel consumption-so air conditioning will be better

6. STICK TO THE LIMITS: The faster you go, the more fuel you use. Driving at 70mph uses up to 9% more fuel than at 60mph and up to 15%more than at 50mph.

7. CHANGE YOUR OIL: Clean oil, reduces the wear caused by friction of moving engine parts, helping to increase fuel consumption. You should change the oil in a petrol car once in a year or every 7500 miles. For a diesel engine, it is recommended you change the oil every 6 months or 3000 miles

8. DRIVE SMOOTHLY: Acceleration and deceleration is what uses most fuel. So try to slow down gradually at lights, avoid heavy braking and try not to revolve too much.

9. AVOID ROUGH SURFACES: Gravel or heavy dirt surfaces can increase your fuel consumption by up to 30%, not to mention the effect on your paintwork. If there is a route involving smooth tarmac, even if it is slightly longer, then take that.

10. RATHER OBVIOUSLY… Use your car less. Combine short trips-such as buying the paper, dropping -off the recycling, or collecting the kids-rather than making multiple trips.

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